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How to find God and receive Jesus Christ as our Savior

How can I find God my life is in a mess and I have this nagging longing to know if there is a God out there who really cares, the fact is God is ready right now to reveal Himself.

 Hand In the Sky

There are those times in our lives when we come to a place where we realize that we are in a total mess and nothing but a failure.


Or we could be one of those people who just seems to be able to cope with just about anything and everything, but yet deep in the background somehow there is a nagging longing to know if there is a God out there somewhere that really cares.

It is most important at these points of time to know that it is God who is actually reaching out to us, and that we must not let that moment go by without responding to Him.

For it is then that we must come to a decision and realize that our life is a mess and that we are a Sinner, and we must be willing to turn our lives away from sin and repent.

 Cross and Ring

All of that might sound rather a nasty thing, to be told that we are a Sinner and that we need to repent. But this is not so, for actually it is God in His great love for us that is telling us that we have a deadly disease called Sin, and that He wants from the very bottom of His heart to heal us from it.

In Acts 3:19 the Bible tells us to "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord".

Now those “times of refreshing” wow that sounds a great thing, for they are indeed something even greater than the “times of refreshing” we get after recovery from a sickness. We certainly felt great when we got well, so why miss out on telling God about all your sins right now, for He wants to hear you tell Him about all those things, and then He wants to step in and heal you.

We must therefore change direction and change our thinking, and turn to Jesus who will enable us to obtain Eternal life and this will also open the doorway to Heaven.

But why should I give up doing those sins, for in a funny way I enjoy doing them? Because my friend those very sins are more deadly than cancer and worse than a fatal heart attack. Those sins will destroy you for all eternity and leave you burning in the lake of fire.xxxx

 Open Book

The Bible also tells us in John 1:12 "But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become the children of God, to those who believe in His name".

It also tells us in John 3;16 "That God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”.

Wow so God not only wants to heal us He wants us to become part of his family, to become sons of God.

For it is by Faith we have to believe that Jesus Christ died for us and our sins, that He rose again on the third day and it was this Salvation that cost Jesus His life.

So it was Jesus Christ who took our sicknesses upon Him on the cross, and not only that He took the very worst of them our sins and paid the price for our redemption that we might live.

So openly today confess those sins that deadly sickness to God and receive His refreshing upon you today. Do not put it off, but confess it right now.

Say right now to God:

“Lord I confess all my sins and wickedness to you, for I know I am a sinner without hope in this world, and I claim right now your wonderful forgiveness, and I claim right now the infilling of your Holy Spirit so that I can fully know the “times of refreshing” that you want to so freely and lovingly give me". Amen.


For as you really do this from the bottom of your heart, you will never be wondering again about whether you can know God, for He will flood your life with His wonderful presence and all doubt will have gone forever.


Contact and Other Information

Jointly written by Rev. Barry Fletcher (The Church Under The Big Top)

and Bishop John R Brumby (Arke Ministries).

You might like to do some extra Readings John 12;24, John 10:9.

For further information please:

Email to me (Rev Barry Fletcher)

At church44@optusnet.com.au, or phone Mobile 03 8707 4991 or Mobile 0401 452 276

Or Bishop John R Brumby

At arkeministries@gmail.com, or phone 02 60327722 or Mobile 0425 227 492

 Or better contact us both.

 Noting that both the writers had to confess their sins to be healed as well.

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© Copyright JR JF Brumby Arke Promotions